The Benefits of Football For Children


Football is a team sport where the objective is to score more points than your opponent. Points can be scored by advancing the pointed oval-shaped ball into your opponents end zone through a series of run and pass plays. Once the ball is carried over the opposing teams touch line or kicked between the goal posts it is a touchdown (6pts) or 2 extra points (extra point conversion).

The game is played on a field that is approximately 100 yards long and 50 yards wide. Each team has 11 players on the field at a time and unlimited substitutions. The game is divided into four 15 minute quarters and a ten minutes half time. The clock stops only for injuries and prolonged play breaks.

Besides being a fun and exciting sport, it also has numerous health benefits. For instance, it increases bone density, improves balance and coordination and strengthens the lower and upper body. It also reduces stress, boosts cardiovascular health and burns calories. It also helps to build muscle mass and tone the entire body. Furthermore, it has mental health benefits as it teaches children to work hard and never give up.

Football requires great hand eye coordination, as well as agility and quick decision-making. It is not just about running around chasing the ball, but it also involves a lot of other complex movements such as twisting, turning and jumping. These skills will help your child to become more coordinated, and their motor skills will develop too.

In addition to improving the overall strength of your body, football is a great cardio exercise. A full game of football usually lasts about 8 to 11 kilometers, which means that players are constantly moving and getting a good cardiovascular workout. This exercise will strengthen their heart, prevent plaque build-up in the coronary arteries, keep blood pressure at a healthy level and help them to lose excess weight.

Another benefit of football is that it increases the strength of your skeletal frame and keeps your bones strong as you get older. This is because it involves a lot of physical exertion and fast accelerations that help to build muscle strength and endurance.

Football is an extremely social sport, and it teaches children how to work with others. It teaches them to trust their teammates and support one another as they try to achieve common goals. It also teaches children to be resilient and not be afraid to fail, as they can learn from their mistakes and try again. It also encourages children to practice and learn new skills, as they will need these to be successful in the game. This will increase their confidence and self-esteem, and they can become great role models for younger kids. In addition, playing football also teaches them the importance of teamwork and unselfishness. This is why great players like Ronaldo and Messi are always supporting and helping their team members.