The Basics of Football


Football is an exciting game that involves running, catching, and kicking the ball. Players need to have special skills to play this sport and have to practice regularly. Teams must also train in endurance and strength. The teams usually play one game a week. A game clock is used, with players stopping to rest between plays.

Each team has a coach who calls the field plays for the attacking team. There are special teams that kick plays and other specialized players for the defensive team. During a game, each team has up to 11 players on the field at a time.

The object of the game is to advance a pointed oval-shaped ball into the opponent’s end zone. Each team can score points by making a touchdown or kicking a field goal. Whenever a team crosses the other team’s goal line, they are awarded five points. If a team is not able to cross the other team’s goal line, they have the option to punt the ball down the field.

On each play, the offensive team will have four opportunities to move the ball 10 yards toward the opponent’s end zone. After each successful attempt, the down resets to the next play. Usually, a touchdown is scored when a player catches the ball and runs into the opponent’s end zone. This type of scoring is known as a “touchdown” or “touchdown conversion”.

Field goals are made by the placekicker. A field goal is scored by kicking the ball between the upright posts of the opposing team’s goal posts. In the NFL, a touchdown conversion is attempted at the opponent’s 2-yard line. These two methods of scoring are analogous to the conversion in rugby.

The other possible way to score a touchdown is by carrying the ball into the end zone. When a touchdown is scored, the offensive team receives six points. However, the play does not conclude unless the team is able to get the ball back out of the opponent’s end zone. Alternatively, the attacking team can kick an extra point, which is worth three points.

To be able to kick a field goal, the ball must be carried between the upright posts of the opposing team’s goals. Unlike rugby, there is no penalty for attempting a field goal when the offensive team’s goal posts are behind the end zone.

Another type of play is a fumble. A fumble is when a team’s ball becomes loose and the opponent regains control of the ball. Depending on the situation, the quarterback may have to hand the ball off to another player or run with it until it is tackled. An interception is when a player on the defensive team picks up a pass and runs with it.

During a football game, the field plays are regulated by the head coach. Each team has a playbook that includes hundreds of plays. Most of these plays are safe, but there are also some that have the potential for a turnover or long gain.