The Rules of Football

Football is a team sport and players use their hands and feet to move the ball. The goal of the game is to work the ball down the field and score a touchdown. There are many rules that must be followed. These include passing, running and tackling. Players also have to stay out of bounds. The team that wins the most points will win the game. There are also special points for kicking field goals and scoring a touchdown. Some of these points are worth two or three points depending on how they are scored. The rules of the game are regulated by an association called the NFL.

Before there were any real organized teams, the game was played in various ways by different people. The first real attempts to create a set of rules were made in England and Scotland around the mid-19th century. These attempts resulted in the formation of the first football associations. It was at this point that the rules began to standardize. The main rule that was created was that carrying the ball with your hands wasn’t allowed.

Another important rule was the concept of downs. On each down the offensive team has four chances to advance the ball 10 yards. If they are unable to do so then the other team gets the ball. This process is called scrimmaging downs. On the scoreboard the current down is displayed and the number of yards the team needs to go to earn a new set of downs is shown as well. On the next down the offensive team will either run or pass the ball.

During the scrimmage down the offensive line will be set up and the ball will be hiked by one of the center’s. The center then will hand or throw the ball to one of their backs. Alternatively, the quarterback will take the ball and run with it. The offensive line is made up of a left and right tackle, a left and right guard and the quarterback. Their job is to protect the quarterback from defenders that are trying to rush him.

It is important for a player not to be out of bounds when they are running with the ball. If any part of the runner’s body or any part of the ball goes over the sideline then the play will be stopped. It is also out of bounds if a player steps on or touches any part of the goal post.

The game is very fast paced and there are often big plays. The game is very popular in the United States and it is played all over the world. Fans often get very excited about the games and they will even start rivalries with other cities and teams. They will often attend the games at the stadiums and also watch them at bars and restaurants. In addition, they will frequently watch the games on TV and online.